English Program Outline (Dutch version below)
This is an unique energetic weight loss program followed up by healing sessies that helps you to regain the power to let go of the heaviness that drops you down. It will focus on the energetic weight we carry with us that makes us feel heavy. Our feelings play an important role in our experience of life. When we feal heavy – it’s hard to live a light life. And impossible for the physical body to express it’s dynamic nature.
Your physical body cannot show you something if you don’t feel it. Hard truth: it is there to mirror of our inner processes. When we work with our inner heaviness: the body will follow. If we want to be light – we have to move lightly!
Programma outline
10 days of a deep dive into all that pulls us down
& one shifting session that allows us to release all
and start fresh again.
Daily challenges, exercises & assignments + guidance
Read the following carefully:
It’s not a program focussed on your food.
Why not?
Because food choices follow the mind choices.
It’s also not a program focussed on exercise.
If you are interested in this – we have other programs for you. Or we can help you find another one: there are many programs & information out there about what to eat and what to do on physical level. Here we primarily work with the thoughtforms & deep-seated patterns that rule our daily actions. As the mind is more powerful than the will of the body: we go for a mental & emotional shift first!
I fully recommend you to not rush into anything and to gently follow the program in a way it feels comfortable for you. Use the exercises in a way it makes you feel gentle: never force yourself, but challenge yourself! Allow the discomfort to come to the front in order to work with the underlying causes of the overweight: but never cross a line when it comes down to feeling any kind of discomfort. A strong focus on the enjoyment of the activity is recommended: find the pleasure of being able to dive deep into lineage old transferred patterns: and remember you are responsible for your physical body. You are the owner of this magical instrument: Making sure this one is happy to do all of this, is priority number 1.
If you haven’t done the POWER BACK PROGRAM – I highly recommend you to go there first. This one is fully focussed on commitment: a beautiful power you need to be able to sustain a strong dedicated physical experience! If you go to the program section – you will bump into that one, too!
Be aware that his Program will guide you to more embodiment of your Full Self: it’s not intended to replace any other side activity. You are the one who is on adventure: so you are fully in charge of how this adventures will go! This Program is there to help you to become aware and to initiate new habits that of allowing yourself to Be and check in regularly. Also: it might open new ways of thinking, bring new awareness & helps you to understand certain patterns. When we understand – we can break free! And from a free point: we can decide what we feel like most peacefully!
Also note that this program is not appropriate to target personal trauma’s that need more attention on a personal level. In this case: it’s highly recommended to look for one on one sessions and seek help from other professionals. It’s important to not use this program as a substitute for common sense and your own guidance and intuition: but as an valuable added gift to your own ideas. It might trigger old feelings connected to that of emotional pain or repressions: this is ok. Allow it to rise up. Allow it to find a way out. Feeling is healing. But never cross your boundaries.
Be aware of the process and give yourself the comfort and release you need. It’s highly recommended to take your time – and to not force yourself into anything. It’s a 10 day program – but if can take breaks anytime you like. The session at the end of the 10 day program is one that of fully embodying all the new insights & understandings. It brings a sense of peace, cleanness and allows you to fully embrace and BE all you now are able to allow! It cleanses you of all the old thoughts & allows you to integrate on the most deep level. It gives the opportunity to rise up in a way your divine essence can penetrate your daily life and can rule your actions in a way the divine inspiration can manifest itself in your relationship, business, physical body and in your experiences of joy.
Start: 1th of July
Enroll yourself here: let’s go!
Dutch Version
Wat is dit programma?
Mentale, emotionele & spirituele energetic weight loss bootcamp!
Als je je zwaar voelt is het lastig voor je lichaam om het licht te belichamen.
In dit tiendaagse programma gaan we met volle focus intunen op alle stukjes die ons zwaar laten voelen
en de zware gevoelens, onze bagage, die we met ons meedragen – helemaal unpacken. We sluiten af met een groepssessie waarbij we de alle inzichten integreren en synchroniseren met ons fysieke lichaam. Tijd om de zware energie te transformeren in space: ruimte! En tijd om de zwaarte te laten gaan: alleen zo kan het lichter worden.
Elke ochtend om 08.00 vind je de opdracht van de dag op het Instagram account Weight Loss
Gedurende het programma zullen we soms samen komen om groepsopdrachten te doen
en op het eind sluiten we af met een magical groepshealing om alle vlakken af te sluiten en de inzichten te integreren.
Voor wie is dit programma?
Voor iedereen die dealt met zware gevoelens, zich nogal zwaar kan voelen, niet vooruit komt en dit letterlijk terug kan vinden in kilogram of ongewenste fysieke vormen.
Kan iedereen met dit programma mee doen?
Yes. 10 dagen lang zul je opdrachten ontvangen die je aan het denken zetten over jezelf en je op inner reis sturen. Je hebt geen eerdere ervaring nodig: wel de bereidheid om eerlijk te zijn naar jezelf. En we raden je aan eerst het ”Power Back” programma te volgen. Hier werk je aan de kracht en moed iets te willen doen met de inzichten die hierop volgen! Iets bedenken is de eerste stap – maar dan ben je nog niet klaar: het uitvoeren is vereist om naar stap 2 te kunnen.
Wat moet ik voorbereiden?
Een klein beetje ruimte voor emoties die loskomen is wel handig: bereid je voor op een emotionele rollercoaster. Vaak houdt het lichaam vast wat we nog niet verwerkt hebben. Als we los willen laten betekent dit dat we aan het verwerken gaan. Zorg voor genoeg tijd om de opdrachten uit te voeren en ook genoeg tijd om het in te laten dalen. De sessie is vrij heftig: zorg voor een dagje rust en integratie na afloop.
Wat heb ik nodig?
Schrift, pen & papier, Instagram, tijd.
Here we go: inschrijven kan hier!