Healing the Sacred Feminine Program
It’s the heart that heals: let’s bring love into all that is not flowing yet.
This is a unique program followed up by energetic healing that helps you experience a sense of femininity or acceptance of your feminine side. Feminine can indicate gender: but here it’s fully focussed on the on the emotional aspect and the spiritual aspect, the yin energies. The ones that allow surrendering & flow.
When we are in tune with the feminine side of ourselves, we allow creativity, sexuality, sensuality and personal power easily run through us. Softness is welcome and emotions are pathways to empowerment.
This program is beautifully created for all women , but strongly targeted at you
– if you cannot remember a time where you felt fully relaxed and nurturted by life: you find it hard to believe you are taken care of.
– if you find yourself only running and tackling problems: your rational side is powerful but it sometimes takes over the day and that is tiring you. You need the softness, too. I mean: how to recharge? The rational side loves to go on and on forever!!
– if you want to develop your healing abilities: surrendering is the most important thing. As with healing, we need to be able to allow the highest good to take over. When we are able to surrender to life and it’s higher expressions: we allow the heart to speak it’s own language. And this language is the language that heals.
Bye bye inner control freak: let’s go for full alignment in whatever direction. Life knows.
– if it seems hard to you to feel feminine: you rather find comfort in being one of the guys, or think that feminine activities are boring. You like to do everything fast and forward: being in ease with stillness and just BE without a purpose is a challenge.
– if it is hard for you to surrender to your sexuality and sensuality. Being in control is beautiful when we have to run projects and when we have to manage life: but the wild and crazy liberating expressions that cannot be defined need some nourishment as well. The ones not in need of structure. Letting go is strongly connected to our sexual expressions but letting go is not your best skill so far. Here we can practice!
– if joy seems to be a thing far away: life is pretty serious for you. You find yourself lacking the playfulness in everyday life and you are out for some inspired and purposeful feelings that make you smile whole day.
– if you feel unable to let go of control: surrendering is scary, you can’t trust anybody or life. Relations are a challenge: there is always a fear that you get betrayed or that someone is not telling you the truth. Resulting in a heavyheart.
So opening up and feeling safe in relationships is a goal: you haven’t reached that level fully but you wanna go there and learn how to trust.
‘’Half uurtje voor dat de sessie afgelopen was, werd ik wakker, en voelde ik zo’n intense energie van JOY ? that made me cry, that it’s still possible to feel that!!!! Zoooo mooooooooiii. Een lieve lieve vriendin van mij heeft ook meegedaan met de sessie, her first time. And she was speechless. Zo’n mooie magische avond ?? Thankyou for all that you are!! En waar je door heen gaat ook tijdens de sessies, the work you do is just pure Beauty!’’
‘’ZEER HEFTIG!!! Vanaf minuut 1. OK, dit gaat over de generaties vrouwen in mijn familielijn. Alle zwartheid, depressies, onzekerheid en missen van zelfliefde kwam even op bezoek. En het besef dat ik als kind zo ben gevormd door al deze zwarte zware energie om mij heen destijds, die ik allemaal heb opgenomen, en niet alleen moeder en oma, maar alle mensen, de omgeving.. alles. Dat alles zorgde dat ik zo negatief naar mezelf keek. Ik begon te praten in het Engels. We are stronger then this, mam you are stronger then this. I will break this chain this pattern. I get it. Sloot aan tranen, besefte dat allerlei momenten voor deze sessie die hier al naartoe werkten. ZEER heftig wat er los kwam. Daarna nog wat inzichten gekregen over werk en eigenlijk alleen maar bevestiging dat ik mij op het juiste pad begeef. Had ik even nodig. Nog stuk uit middenrif kwam er boerend uit en warm gevoel in achterkant bovenrug. Daar heb ik al heel lang pijn. En aan het einde rust en alles tintelt nog steeds na.’’
Ready for this inner journey?
This is an Intensive Course. Everyday you will receive an assignment – exercise and something to work with and to integrate after.
I fully recommend you to not rush into anything: and to gently follow the program in a way it feels comfortable for you. Use the exercises in a way it makes you feel comfortable: never force yourself. If you need more time: take that. Our given time is just a recommendation: not a strict rule. What is more important: strongly focus on the enjoyment of the activity! If it makes you feel good: it is good! Celebrate the feelings that arise. If something is not fitting your needs: just stop doing it. You are responsible for your physical body, so making sure this one is happy to do all of this, is priority number 1.
Be aware that his Program will guide you to more embodiment of your yin energies: it’s not intended to replace any personal effort or dismiss the yang side of ourselves. You are the one who is on adventure: so you are fully in charge of how this adventures will go! It’s all open and all is welcome: This Program is there to help you to become aware and to initiate new habits that of allowing yourself to Be and to check in regularly what is going on inside. It will balance the two different sides of us by bringing more focus on the thing we currently want to increase. Also: it might open new ways of thinking, bring new awareness & helps you to understand certain patterns. When we understand – we can break free! And from a free point: we can decide what we feel like most peacefully. So remember: no force. Allow it to happen as it is supposed to happen.
Also note that this program is not appropriate to target personal trauma’s that need more attention on a personal level. In this case: it’s highly recommended to look for one on one sessions and seek help from other professionals. It’s important to not use this program as a substitute for common sense and your own guidance and intuition: but as an valuable added gift to your own ideas. It might trigger old feelings connected to that of emotional pain or repressions: this is ok. Allow it to rise up. Allow it to find a way out. Feeling is healing. But never cross your boundaries.
Be aware of the process and give yourself the comfort and release you need. Again: It’s highly recommended to take your time – and to not force yourself into anything. It’s a 10 day program – but if can take breaks anytime you like. The session at the end of the 10 day program is one that of fully embodying all the new insights & understandings. It brings a sense of peace and allows you to fully embrace and BE all you now are able to allow! It gives the opportunity to rise up in a way your divine essence can penetrate your daily life. And by this: rule your actions in a way the divine inspiration can manifest itself in your relationship, business, physical body and in your experiences of joy.
Here we go – dear one! Let’s celebrate the fullness of life!
‘But why is my business not flowing? “
asked this wonderful sister- problems with unregular cycle, lower back pain and stress about money.
“ I am stuck: and actually I don’t feel any power to move forward. I do it anyway: but it takes a lot of effort to get me there. I am strong but tired of pushing. How can I make it more flow!? There must be a more easy way!”
And I asked her:
Did you ever remind yourself you are a lady?
Did you ever remind yourself – that your body needs the feeling of being comfortable & provided with safety first? That you have primal needs? That these are called primal for a reason?
Did you ever stop hunting your business targets as priority number 1 and made sure first that your needs are met as a person? A Soul? In a female body? In need of care and nourishment? With masculine (inner) support? Love & Nurturing?
Did you ever consider yourself as a human In need of security? And that all this entrepreneurships is a big jump into the opposite and requires lots of strength to deal with risks?
Can you be soft with the idea that it is scary for your feminine inspired body to take all this responsibility on your shoulders? That it needs a little patience and lots of compassion to make sure all feels comfortable?
Did you ever wonder how it feels for your body – to take all on yourself – programmed to do things in collaboration and with support? Society and its behavior may change in speed force- but your body is still infused with ancient information and used to group formations.
Can you be compassionate with the fact – that business progress is maybe not what you need right now?
But maybe first a step back – to make sure you feel comfortable being alive?
With a strong support system?
Not in need of pushing anything else than just being ok with what is?
Being smooth with one self?
When you feel smooth – all will be smooth.
Even your business!
What do you need right now – to feel smooth yourself?
Maybe not another business target at this moment.
Maybe…. Something else ❤
That is your business right now.
Surrender to soul. Full flow of the feminine.
Intensive program: starts in JUNE